Ouvrages d'art. La Gileppe dam [2022] (numérique)
Référence 107818_0


Wallonia’s topographical layout explains the location of structures on the Walloon high plateaux that form the roof of Benelux. These retention structures have been developed to meet several of the State’s basic needs: mainly, water production and electricity distribution, as well as bolstering low water levels for river navigation and flood prevention. Other objectives have been assigned to the structures, since their design or subsequently, to meet many societal challenges relating to water resources. And these uses continue to change. Our society is consuming more water and devoting more attention to nature conservation and the development of water leisure activities... In addition, the effects of climate change are accentuating the essential role of these retention structures in water management even more.


Auteur: Collectif
Date de publication: 15/09/2021
Format: Format Dépliant 3 (100 x 210 mm)
Nombre de pages: 1
Informations techniques: Dépliant / Flyers
Editeur: SPW / EDIWALL
Dépôt légal: D/2022/11802/121
ISSN Papier: 2795-6792 (P)
ISSN Digital: 2795-6806 (N)


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